JUDr. René Winkler
Managing director + 420 221 584 111, + 420 606 686 686, rene.winkler@avantia.cz
Statutory person of company founder, its managing director since 1996. He graduated from the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague in 1975. From the broader business group, he founded in 1989, was later allocated AVANTIA as an organizational and economic adviser. Since this, a logical development lead to coming into existence of the companies establishing and sale sector, still active. His motto: „My profit is a return of the customer“.
Mrs. Viola Švimberská
Office manager + 420 221 584 111, + 420 734 312 101, viola.svimberska@avantia.cz
A member of Avantia team since 2010. Her position corresponds to the post of Executive Director, she holds the post of chief clerk (proxy). She deals with offices and institutions, procures the agenda of office facilities as well as business meetings with clients. Her motto: „Kindness equals half the battle“.
Mgr. Zdenek Valášek
Sales manager + 420 221 584 111, + 420 775 106 111, zdenek.valasek@avantia.cz
He graduated from the MA program "Law in business relations" in Prague CEVRO Institute (2013) and a Bachelor degree in "Business Law" at the University of Jan Amos Comenius in Prague. In the Avantia team, he is responsible for marketing, sales and foreign companies. His naturel is best expressed by the principle „There is no reason to lose one's head“.
dipl.ing. Karel Krejčů
Senior accountant +420 221 584 122, +420 606 611 033, karel.krejcu@avantia.cz
He graduated from the Czech Technical University already in 1977. He is an example of a successful transformation from an electrical engineer into a specialist oriented to economic information and financial optimization, with practice since 1992. At present, he is the methodical head of financial services, which AVANTIA provides for dozens of individuals and legal entities. His motto: „It is never too late“.
Mrs. Miluše Hubáčková
Senior accountant +420 221 584 111, +420 603 997 511, miluse.hubackova@avantia.cz
She finished her secondary education in 1979. In the AVANTIA team, she is active as an accounting specialist. In addition, she procures the management of newly established and stock companies in the area of clerical and banking requirements. It also acts as a financial advisor and liquidator. Her credo: „The good mood of the customer makes easier even the work of accountant“.
About us
Only a few Czech agencies operate in the sector of establishing and sale of companies for more than 10 years. None of them - except us - has throughout this period the fundamental legal background. Since the very beginning, our company gives priority to serious and discreet practice before immediate profit. This principle has enabled us to have very confidential customers already in the time when aforementioned sector of services just started in the Czech Republic.
Now, we want to spread the segment of our customers from the position primarily preferring recommended clientele on the general public. An original composition of our team joining the experienced matadors and youthful lightness let be our new asset. In any case, we will not abandon our basic credo, which is welcoming professionalism.